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Med College’s Scholarships: Pell Subsidy Scholarship, Title IV Subsidy Scholarship, Associates Scholarship, Merit Scholarship

Financial Aid Scholarships

Med College offers various scholarship opportunities to those actively enrolled in any of our programs of study. Students must meet both the general scholarship eligibility requirements and the requirements specific to their application.

General requirements for all scholarships
  • Students can only apply for two scholarships per program of study (Merit combined with any other scholarship)
  • Students can NOT transfer more than 35% of the credits

Pell Subsidy Scholarship (up to $2,500.00) 

The Pell Subsidy Scholarship is available to all students pursuing a MED COLLEGE diploma or degree and are not eligible for Pell Grant funding. Students will be retracted if they become eligible for Pell Grant funds during the program.

Title IV Subsidy Scholarship (up to $5,000.00) 

The Title IV Subsidy Scholarship is available to all students pursuing a MED COLLEGE diploma or degree and are not eligible for Financial Aid funding at enrollment. The student will lose the scholarship if they become eligible for Title IV funds during the program.

MED COLLEGE Associates Scholarship (up to $1,000.00)

The MED COLLEGE Associates Scholarship is available to all students who wish to enroll at MED COLLEGE and are employed by a professional organization with a current affiliation agreement with MED COLLEGE.

Merit Scholarship (up to $2,500.00)

The Academic Merit Scholarship is available to all students who have completed a course of study at MED COLLEGE and will graduate with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. This scholarship will be granted after program completion. Students must apply for this scholarship at least one month before graduating. This scholarship may be combined with other scholarship opportunities offered by MED COLLEGE

To be considered for this scholarship, the candidate must prompt the school for additional requirements and forms.

  • Students can only apply for two scholarships per program of study (Merit combined with any other scholarship)
  • Students can NOT transfer more than 25% of the credits
  • Students must graduate with a GPA of 3.5 or above
  • Students must not fail any class during the program of study
  • Apply for the scholarship during the last quarter of the program at least a week before graduation
  • Scholarships will be granted after completing the program once the student fulfills all financial and academic requirements proven by the institution
  • The student must have met all graduation requirements
  • Students must graduate within the period agreed in the enrollment agreement
  • Students must complete the program of study with a $0.00 balance with Med College
  • The student must maintain ethical and professional conduct throughout the program to receive scholarship funding. Any plagiarism or other disciplinary action will automatically disqualify the student from getting the scholarship



Med College offers comprehensive healthcare degree programs in nursing, radiology technology, and MRI technology, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed for successful careers in these high-demand fields.

*All fields are required